ERP Inventory SoftwareProducts
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The store & inventory control handles product category & descriptive products information.
The system supports stock & location management with multiple units of measure. Various stock inquiries such as inventory balance on order, available, reserves.....etc.
The system also supports the inventory costing methods & physical counts & inventory movements with full statistics & management reports. The system consists of the following modules:

Product Features

The system is very easy to use with drop-down menus and easy to understand messages and help. Keyboard commands are kept consistent throughout the system. For example, the key “Ins� means “Add a New Record�. This key is never used for any other option. This makes learning the program very easy. Even a non-computer user can get the program up and running within a day or two.
Comprehensive Security
The system is equipped with a comprehensive security system. The management can restrict the user from sensitive information by assigning each user with a unique password and what programs can be executed by each user. A user cannot execute a program if he does not have the necessary authorization.
Multi-User Support
The system can be placed on a network to allow multiple users to access the data simultaneously. All network capabilities are built inside the system. This means that the system can grow along with your company. As the needs of the organization grow, you simply add an additional computer to the network and the same system will run on it.
View Reports On-Screen
All reports can be viewed on the screen before printing. This ensures that only necessary data is printed thereby eliminating wastage.
On-Site Demonstration
To see how the system can be used effectively for your company’s requirements, a demonstration of the systems capabilities can be arranged at your Company’s premises. You can see the benefits of the system before committing anything.
Less Paperwork
No more writing invoices by hand. The System can generate all invoices on pre-printed stationery. Since these invoices are automatically posted in accounting, this greatly reduces the amount of paper work involved and thereby reduces the risk of errors which usually happens when entries are made manually.
