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Payroll and Personnel system allows you to keep track of all your employees' data including Payroll data, Personnel and leave data allowing you to make more informed decisions. Following are some of the features of this system.

Product Features

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Human Resource Management


Product Advantages


Comprehensive Security

You can limit the type of data users can see when the use the system. Sensitive data such as employee salary and allowances can be hidden from normal users. You can also restrict which options can be accessed by each user.

Bank Reports

If you are paying employees through bank, the system includes all necessary reports to be submitted to the bank each month. If you have a large number of employees, the system can even generate the necessary data for the bank on a diskette as required by some banks in Kuwait. This facilitates the bank in crediting the employee’s accounts accurately.


Key Features

  • Search Employee either on Employee code or Name.
  • Print all reports on Screen, Printer or ASCII file.
  • System can switch easily between English and Arabic.
  • Maintains full history of each employee regarding salary paid, leave taken, absent record, etc.
  • System can be integrated to Accounting to update Employee Loans, Project expenses etc.
  • Generate graphs to analyze department wise or project wise breakup of salaries.
  • Automatic indemnity computation during employee termination or resignation.
  • Allows employee salary to be kept on hold, to be paid at a later stage.
  • Menus and other user-interface elements are kept consistent with Smart Accounting and Smart Inventory in order to allow users to easily switch from one application to the other.
  • Automatic recovery facility allows payroll generation procedure to be rolled back to original state in case of any problems while generating payroll.
  • Validation rules ensure that conflicting data is not entered in the system.
  • System handles both temporary and permanent employees.
  • And much more...